1920-1929 Ta'qabel
Franċiż Oċeanja (Pagna 2/2)

Muri Bhalissa: Franċiż Oċeanja - Bolol tal-posta (1930 - 1939) - 58 bolol.

1939 World Exhibition - New York

10. May WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 12½

[World Exhibition - New York, Tip AI] [World Exhibition - New York, Tip AI1]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
130 AI 1.25Fr - 2.17 2.71 - USD  Info
131 AI1 2.25Fr - 2.17 2.71 - USD  Info
130‑131 - 4.34 5.42 - USD 
1939 The 150th Anniversary of the French Revolution

5. July WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½ x 13

[The 150th Anniversary of the French Revolution, Tip AJ] [The 150th Anniversary of the French Revolution, Tip AJ1] [The 150th Anniversary of the French Revolution, Tip AJ2] [The 150th Anniversary of the French Revolution, Tip AJ3] [The 150th Anniversary of the French Revolution, Tip AJ4]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
132 AJ 45+25 C - 16.27 16.27 - USD  Info
133 AJ1 70+30 C - 16.27 16.27 - USD  Info
134 AJ2 90+35 C - 16.27 16.27 - USD  Info
135 AJ3 1.25+1 Fr - 16.27 16.27 - USD  Info
136 AJ4 2.25+2 Fr - 16.27 16.27 - USD  Info
132‑136 - 81.35 81.35 - USD 
1939 Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of the French Revolution

5. July WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½ x 13

[Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of the French Revolution, Tip AJ5]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
137 AJ5 5+4 Fr - 32.55 32.55 - USD  Info


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